
Public Relations

Iconxt Infinitum - All About Brand

In the age of information deluge, we are constantly swimming against the tides to get the facts right where a need for maintaining a positive and effective relationship with the audience arises.  Public relations technique provides strategies to fulfil this demand.


Media Relations

Establishing strong relationships with various forms of media channels, reporters, and influencers across various industries through strategic outreach, including press releases and sales pitching, valuable market for your brand, products, or events may be secured, maximizing visibility and generating popularity for your brand.


News Paper Ads

Newspaper advertisements allows brands to select their own specific size and position on the newspaper.  With recent advances in digital technologies, brands can opt to build integrated communications embedding QR codes on their newspaper ads for mobile applications.


Press Release Distribution

It is imperative for brands to publish recent activities or changes like new product release or an improvement in a business branch line or any other development.  This may be published, broadcasted, or telecasted across different forms of multimedia such as the press, TV, radio, podcasts, etc.


Event Publicity

Publicity of events such as service or product launches, business conferences, and/or charity events, may be created utilizing a mix of media / social media engagements and promotions through strategic partnerships, to ensure event popularity.


Media Interaction

Pursuing the right media industry players is important for growing the market share of the business and improving the quality of the services.  Pertinent media exposure helps gain new clients and customers, improving existing customer loyalty.


Digital PR

In the digital era, it is crucial to engage with media relationships through the variety of existing digital means of communication, according to the various types of media audiences.


YouTube Ads

Videos speak a million words.  Globally, as YouTube videos continue to be a popular medium for video viewership, having a presence with YouTube ads is significant.



Social media and virality are two terms that are commonplace.  A powerful network of various social media connections may be utilized to augment brand popularity.  We identify the right social media influencers (of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) for your needs and promote your products and services.


News Wire Sites

News-wire sites help distribute news and information through various types of media outlets.  The existence of a large number of digital media news websites and channels make mass distribution of news possible which helps save time and efforts and improve efficiency in getting news and press releases across to various types of audiences.

Digital PR possesses the skillset to quickly get news stories and information about brand products and services through various major news wire sites to end users.


Why Iconxt Infinitum Is The Best Public Relations Services Company In Chennai? 

Iconxt Infinitum is the best public relations services company in Chennai, because we understand that every client is unique and our services are specific to your needs and goals, ensuring a personalized strategic approach and delivers optimal results.


Together let us create a lasting impression of your business in the minds of the right potential audiences.

Contact us today!

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