
Information Services

Information Services


Are you at sea?…

Trying to figure out what’s happening in your business?…

With large volumes of complex data and information which is unambiguous…

You are at the right place!


We are the top information services companies in Chennai.

We offer information services across industries, ranging from real estate, finance, insurance, retail, healthcare, et al.

Lead Generation

An information or a datum of a target audience is referred to be a lead.  Leads are collected from various sources of information from the internet and/or the public to filter for prospective clients and/or customers.  This process of collecting and gathering data about a potential client or customer picked from the preferred audience is known as lead generation.

Top information services companies in Chennai

Market Research

A study on information collected from surveys conducted among the clients and/or customers of a business is known as market research.  This research includes, basically, data collection from authentic sources on the internet or from the public pertinent to the subject of ongoing research

Best information services company in Chennai

Data Analytics

Data analytics is an impactful mechanism for reforming the means by which businesses, organizations, and individuals choose opportunities.  In this age of information, data is copious, and rendering its power useful through analytics is necessary to be competent and knowledgeable.  As the word ‘data analytics’ suggests, this process involves analyzing the data gathered through different perspectives and drawing inferences or insights on how the business is performing.

Best Information Services company in Chennai

Data Visualization

After collecting pertinent data, it is cleaned up from any irrelevancy.  This filtered or curated data is transformed into various types of graphs or charts, called infographics, illustrating their magnitude and direction visually and providing inferences on the flow of the business.  These infographics range from bar graphs to geographical charts, depicting statistical insights and/or trends in businesses.  This information service technique is said to be data visualization.

Best information services company in Chennai

We provide answers to your quests and queries in various formats of your preference to select from different choices of information services, namely, the following:

  • Lead Generation
  • Market Research
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Visualization

With the growing availability of data and advanced analytical tools, organizations and individuals have affluent opportunities to gain insights, make informed decisions, and stay ahead of the curve.

What are you waiting for?

Embrace information services! as…

It is not an option, but

a necessity!

…in today’s data-directed world.

Connect with the top information services companies in Chennai today!

Best information services company in Chennai

Email:  analytics@iconxtinteractive.com

Phone:  +91 78458 29242

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